
Nitty Gritty Details Check-List:

0 I have named my site as directed, made it public to the world, and made Holly an owner (she promises not to mess with it!!), having google send her an email notification (examples: 2014FallAFYourFirstName, 2014FallCer1YourFirstName)

0 I changed the name of the assignment to match the project

0 I have cropped my image, inserted it onto the top of my page, made it size Large, and centered it

0 I have taken out the words about what to do with my image

0 If I have more than one image I have either put them in a table or found a way (ask!) to make it look great

0 I have kept all the headers 18 pt. and BOLD

0 I have kept all the other writing 16 pt. and not bold

0 If I am in an upper level art class I have put buttons at the top to link to all other art portfolios