What's in my portfolio?

1st TERM

1. Describing a picture

2. A letter to the teacher: What do you expect about the school year? + My plans for this year

3. Phone conversation - dialogue and recording

4. Writing unit 1: Opinion essay

DON'T MISS IT! - Things, words, places, people.. that inspire you, define who you are or give you the strength to fight for your goals

2nd TERM

1. Writing unit 2: Narrative text

2. Project unit 2: My dreams

3. Writing unit 3: Formal letter

4. Writing unit 4: Informal letter

5. Booktrailer (only 2 BAT B)

DON'T MISS IT! - Definitely, I will never…. ( Write about 80 words following the prompts given)

3rd TERM

1. Writing unit 5: Discussion essay

2. Podcast: Discussion

3. Unit 6: Summary

4. Project U5: Big life decisions

5. Teen Court: previous activities, script, video

DON'T MISS IT! - The best moment in class (write 80-100 words)