2nd Batxillerat

Welcome to 2nd Batxillerat!

Welcome to this new school year. It's your last year at high school before joining the adventure of your life. You've been preparing for it and at the end of the course you will all be choosing your own future. The point of this year is to win the race!! You may all have your own goals and, of course, you have to do your best and make a great effort to be the real winner of the race. Make the most of this school year and don't forget that to win the race you have to fight for it from the very beginning right until the last second!!!

However, we've had and we're starting a very different school year... The most different school year ever!!You'll need to:

- be responsible for your own learning

- have clear goals

- work harder that ever to achieve them. HOW? > routine, work hard every day, plan your work...

- be aware of the content or skills you are good at and the ones you are not that good at

- practise topics, content... you are not good at

...and last but not least....

What personal qualities will help you overcome it?
