Starter Unit


Verb tenses extra practice

Make an infographic summarising the verb tenses form and use.

See the following video to see what infographics are:

Now create your own infographics about verb tenses:

1. Work in groups.

2. Find and organise the information that you are going to include.

3. Choose the kind of infographics that best suits you. Be creative and original!!

4. Choose an infographic maker:




5. Create it.

6. Upload it to your site.



How to describe pictures in English

Vocabulary and expressions you can use

Describing the scene / introducing the picture or topic

The picture was taken in … (place) /at … (party) .

It's a black-and-white / colour picture

The picture shows a scene from …

It’s an image of … (place, person, scene).

The picture describes … (scene).

The picture shows … (place, person, scene) from a distance.

… (place, person, scene) is shown from … (a bird’s eye view/…).

You look at … (place, person, scene) from … (above/behind/…).

What can you see? Locate items in the photo

In the picture you can see …

In the foreground/ background you can see…./there is…

In the middle/centre there are / I can see….

At the top/At the bottom there is….

On the left/ right there is….

Behind/ In front of… you can see…

Between…there is….

What are they doing?

Now you describe the people in the picture or you say what is happening now using the present continuous (am/is/are + verb-ing).

You can also use physical descriptions and describe the clothes they are wearing.

Impression / opinion

… gives the impression of depth.

… (person) seems to look at the viewer.

His / Her eyes seem to follow the viewer.

The figures look as if they exist in three dimensions.

The viewer has the impression that the people in the picture are alive.

The viewer’s attention is focused on …

To the alert eye it will become apparent …

The viewer finds it difficult to withdraw his eyes from …

The painting is vivid / happy / expressive.

The picture makes the viewer feel … (sad/happy)

The picture inspires the viewer to think about …

  • It seems as if….

  • The lady seems to…

  • Maybe…

  • I think…

  • I wonder….

  • I like / don´t like the picture because….

  • The atmosphere is relaxing/ depressing

I think / believe / am sure that …

It seems / appears to me that …

The problem illustrated here is …

… is typical of …

Before you start writing the description:

1. Go to British council (individually)

- Do the 2 "check your understanding" exercices

- In the "worksheets and downloads" do the "describe a photo or picture activity"

2. Choose a photo from the following link

3. Now, take your picture. Brainstorm the ideas you'd like to include and write a good description following

the guideline above. Remember to include variety of tenses, structures and vocabulary. In a description,

you have to use adjectives!! Then, create a new page on your site called 'Describing a picture'. Upload

the picture there and the description. Finally, prepare an oral presentation about it. Use the mind map to

explain about it to the rest of the class.

Session 2:

Presentation (it should last 2 minutes, minimum)

While your mates are presenting, you should write five questions to ask about the photo

Here you have the order of adjectives!

Remember the order of adjectives: