Unit 2



Game 1: 1 student describes a classmate and the rest have to guess who the person is.

Game 2: What's the word?

1. Relative clauses 1 2 3

Presentació de Google

Comparative and superlative adjectives form- revision (form and online revision activities)

See the file below with 'Comparative and Superlative structures'

Do the activities in the file below.


Relative clauses 1

Varied activities 2 3 4 5


1. Watch the video.

2. The Bucket List.

Ideas 1 2 3 4

Why do you think having a bucket list has become popular?

What's on your bucket list?

3. What are your dreams?

1. Think about your personal dreams and the two activities before.

2. Create your own recipe to success. Use the platform you prefer (canva, genially....)

3. Then, start organising your oral presentation. Prepare an outline with your ideas and the information you are going to include.

4. Explain about your personal dreams and the activities on your bucket list. How you are going to achieve them?

5. Organise the information in an oral presentation format. You will have to make a video with your presentation. Be creative!!!

6. Don't forget the strategies to enrich your production.

7. Practise it

8. Finally, record yourself and upload the video to classroom.

9. By the end of the term, you will have to upload it to your site (the page should be called ' My dreams')