Academic Eligibility for Interscholastic Athletics - District Policy



Athletics and Extra Curricular Activities

The Windsor Board of Education believes that student participation in intramural/interscholastic athletic programs and extra-curricular activities/organizations are important for the growth and development of well-rounded students. However, student academic performance is the Windsor Board of Education’s highest priority and, therefore, students at Windsor High School will be required to meet certain academic standards, as set forth below, in order to be eligible to participate in these activities.

Furthermore, the Windsor Board of Education is committed to providing students with academic support to assist them in maintaining academic eligibility so that they may continue to participate in these activities.

Effective Date

This policy is effective with the start of the 2009-2010 school year.

Applicability of Policy

The academic standards set forth in this policy apply to all students attending Windsor High School who wish to participate in any intramural and/or interscholastic athletic programs, and/or in the role of an officer/leader of any extra-curricular activity and/or organization, sponsored by the Windsor Board of Education.

Special Education students will be subject to this policy unless such students are excluded from the academic standards as determined by the Planning & Placement Team (PPT) or by a Section 504 Team Meeting.

Academic Standard For Eligibility

In order to be eligible to participate in activities covered by this policy, Windsor High School students must carry a full course load as defined in the AR, and maintain a “C-” average calculated as a 71 or higher with no more than one F. In addition, students participating in interscholastic athletic programs must meet the minimum eligibility requirements of the C.I.A.C.

Determining Eligibility

No later than ten (10) days after the close of each marking period, eligibility under this policy will be determined. Grades earned in summer school will be considered in calculating eligibility under the policy. Students who do not meet the academic standard will be ineligible and will not be permitted to practice or be involved in any intramural or interscholastic athletic programs, or

be involved in any extra-curricular activities, until the end of the following marking period, provided they then meet the academic standard.

Administration of Policy

The Superintendent shall adopt administrative regulations necessary to implement this policy. These regulations shall include a procedure for monitoring student academic performance and notifying parents and guardians that their son or daughter is at risk of becoming ineligible. Moreover, a system of academic support shall be put in place to assist those students at risk of becoming ineligible. This support system shall also be available for those students who are deemed ineligible.

Policy Adopted: April 21, 2009



Athletics and Extra Curricular Activity Eligibility

Standard and Calculation of Eligibility

In order to be eligible to participate in any Board of Education sponsored interscholastic sports or to serve in a leadership role in any extra-curricular activities, Windsor High School students must maintain a “C-” average calculated as a 71 or better, have no more than one “F” and carry a full load of 6 courses, the exception being seniors who would only be required to carry 5 courses. In addition, students participating in interscholastic athletic programs must meet the eligibility requirements of the C.I.A.C. On or before the tenth (10th ) day following the close of each marking period, calculation of student eligibility will be completed, using the following point values:

Letter Grade Assigned Point Value

A + 98

A 95

A - 91

B + 88

B 85

B - 81

C + 78

C 75

C - 71

D + 68

D 65

D - 61

F + 58

F 48

F - 38

[* Incomplete grades will be treated as an F for purposes of this calculation.]

In order to determine eligibility at the beginning of each school year, the calculation will be based on the grades for the final quarter of the previous school year. The exception is incoming 9th grade students; the eligibility standard for these students will be applied at the end of the first quarter marking period. The eligibility of students transferring into Windsor High School will be based on the student’s official transcript for the last full marking period completed by the student. The transcript of the student transferring into WHS must show that the student was carrying a full course load, but no less than 4 Carnegie units. Averages will not be rounded up and there will be no exceptions to this regulation unless expressly provided for in a PPT or Section 504 Committee. If a student receives an F in the 4th quarter and fails the entire course, he/she can attend summer school to make up the failed course.

A grade earned in a summer school program will be added to the fourth quarter grades to determine the academic average for fall eligibility. Failed courses, though made up, will NOT be eliminated in this calculation. Students who have two or more Fs in 4th quarter will be ineligible regardless of summer school performance.

Notification and Academic Support

In order to assist students in maintaining eligibility to participate in intramural and/or interscholastic sports and as leaders in extra-curricular activities, a system will be put in place to identify students who are at risk of becoming ineligible. Students identified as being in danger of becoming ineligible will be notified in writing, and written notification will also be sent to the student’s parent or guardian. Academic assistance will be made available to each student identified as being at risk of becoming ineligible pursuant to this regulation. All students identified as being at risk of becoming ineligible must participate in the academic assistance program in order to continue to play in competitive games or serve as a leader in an extra curricular activity. Students at risk of becoming ineligible who do not participate in academic assistance may continue to practice or participate as a member of an extracurricular activity but will not be able to play competitively or serve as leaders of those extracurricular activities. The Superintendent of Schools and the Principal at Windsor High School will designate a liaison who will be responsible for administering this regulation and will create and implement appropriate programs and supports to assist students in maintaining their eligibility

Affect of Ineligibility

Any student who does not meet the eligibility standard at the close of any marking period shall not:

1. Be permitted to participate in any way, either formally or informally, in any practice or activity covered by this policy; and

2. Be issued any uniform, equipment, or special clothing associated with the activity and, in the event such material has already been issued to the student, it shall be returned to the coach or advisor during the period of ineligibility.

This policy will be strictly enforced and there will be no exceptions to this policy unless expressly provided for in a PPT or by a 504 committee.

Regulation Approved: April 21, 2009

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