Athletic Training Services

Athletic Training Services at WHS are provided by Select Physical Therapy:

Jillian Lotito

860-687-2020 ext. 2306

Jill is available immediately after school in the athletic training room, which is located in the hallway past the main gym next to the nurses office. She is also on site for most of our games, athletic contests and practices. If she travels with one of the teams we will have another Athletic Trainer available for home contests.

Athletic training services are available for all boys’ and girls’ varsity and sub-varsity sports teams. Athletes utilizing the athletic training room MUST report immediately after school to allow for coverage of all sports.

During the Fall and Spring seasons, the athletic trainer is in the athletic training room from approximately 2:00pm – 3:00pm. After 3:00pm, the athletic trainer will be out on the fields for game and practice coverage until about 6:30pm or when the last varsity game concluded.

Return to Play Protocol


Concussion Protocol

Windsor High School Athletic Training Concussion protocol.docx

Follow us on Twitter: @WHSathleticsCT