Impact of Transformational Tech on Work & Society workshops

Post date: Sep 21, 2020 2:1:3 PM

Greetings All,

The Osher Life Long Learning Institute, the Berkshire Innovation Center, and 1Berkshire are excited for the launch of a special Fall Course Offering titled The Impact of Transformational Technologies on Work and Society, which kicks off this Thursday September 24th at 1:30pm.

This series is one that we, as the coordinating committee felt may be of particular interest to you all, as Mayors, Town Administrators, Select Board Members, and City Councilors. With that, we wanted to reach out to you directly to share the link for the program, in case it is something you, your staff, and/or your colleagues may find interesting, as we collectively look at the future of technology in the Berkshires. Sessions can be attended synchronously, and will also be made available as recordings.

Information on each session, as well as how to register for the series, can be found at

Please do feel free to share this information with other colleagues and peers who may also benefit from participating, as we are not sure if we have the correct contact information for each member of your respective community leadership.

Take care




Benjamin Lamb

Director of Economic Development
