Aggregation Plan Amendment

Post date: Sep 21, 2020 6:55:21 PM

Earlier this year, we submitted an amendment to the Municipal Aggregation Plan in conjunction with the other towns with whom we jointly purchase power. This needs Dept of Energy Resources and DPU approval. Part of that process, the DOER review was completed the end of August (Letter confirming below)

Good morning –

We wanted to let you know that Colonial has filed each Town’s amended Aggregation Plan with the DPU. You should have received an email around 10 AM with your Town’s filing from Pierce Atwood, who is Colonial’s legal counsel.

As an FYI, because this will be an open docket with the DPU and each Town is listed as the Petitioner, you will be notified anytime there is movement (e.g. comments are filed, action is required). Our attorney will also be notified and he will ensure we receive all communications. I’ll be in touch should any action be required by the Towns but, for the most part, Colonial will handle all requests (i.e. legal notices, discovery, etc). It isn’t unusual for National Grid, Eversource or other state agencies to chime in. Colonial’s goal is to make this as easy as possible for the Towns so please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

I’ll be printing and mailing a copy of the complete DPU filing to each of you at Town Hall. The next step is typically for the DPU to schedule a public hearing but, given COVID-19, we’ve heard that the public hearing may be pushed closer to the end of the proceeding. Either way, we’ll keep you posted.

Thank you,


Denise Allard

Colonial Power Group, Inc.