Barn Inspections

Post date: Sep 09, 2020 1:18:10 PM

September 8, 2020

Re: Animal / Barn Inspections for 2020

Dear Nominating Authority for the Inspector of Animals,

We are all continuing to deal with a disease outbreak, the likes of which has not been seen for 100 years. The COVID-19 pandemic has altered the way we live our lives and the way we conduct business. I am hopeful that through continued vigilance the numbers of cases will decrease, and we can all start to enjoy time with friends and family again without raising concerns of transmission. However, until we get there, I think it is important that we mitigate risk as much as we reasonably can. For that reason, I am postponing the routine annual barn inspections / animal census until next fall (2021). Under the circumstances, and with the understanding that our goal is to detect and prevent the spread of infectious disease, this is the most responsible course of action.

There may be properties in your respective municipalities that have had problems in the past. I am asking that the Animal Inspector still find an opportunity to check in on these places so we don’t have issues festering or animals languishing. In addition to practicing good biosecurity to prevent the spread of animal disease, I have requested that they also wear a face mask and obey proper social distancing to protect themselves and residents from COVID-19. I do not need to receive any formal inspection report for these inspections, provided the animals and their conditions appear acceptable. If the Inspector finds a problem that needs to be addressed, they should reach out to me as they normally would. Email is best as we are still not in the office on a regular basis.

As always, Inspectors should still be following up on any quarantine issues and responding to complaints received. If you have any questions, we are always happy to assist, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Stay safe!

Michael Cahill, Director

Division of Animal Health

Massachusetts Dept. of Agricultural Resources