MTWP grants

Post date: Sep 21, 2020 7:24:33 PM

A few things happening here. Last year, we received a grant to conduct the initial work to determine whether a carbon sequestration program could be developed using portions of town owned forest land. Covid suspended our intended hiring of a consultant this spring for that. Along the way, we added New Ashford as a partner which added a new dimension of evaluating how privately owned land could be included in such a program. In this most recent round of grants, the Town of Conway (also a member of the MTWP) partnered with us to add them as another area to estimate for public and private land. So, we are now in a position to spearhead a pilot evaluation across a variety of land ownership types with multiple members of the Partnership.

In this most recent round, BRPC was looking to undertake a more comprehensive evaluation and needed a local partner to serve as lead applicant. I agreed to work with them on that. Grant application attached below - I had shared it in late June when it was submitted.

That has been funded as well -- see below.

Additionally, there is another funded project with potential benefit to Williamstown and the region (for which we had submitted a letter of support). Lever will be conducting a Mohawk Trail Entrepreneurial Challenge.

Dear Jason,

Congratulations! I am pleased to notify you that the Town of Williamstown has been awarded a Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) program Action Grant in the amount of $164,575 (FY21: $113,625; FY22: $50,950)* for the project titled “Mohawk Trail Woodland Partnership Forest Stewardship, Resilience & Climate Adaptation.” I want to thank you for your continued commitment to ensuring that your community is adapting and building resiliency as the climate changes by taking actionable steps to implement your planning findings.

If you would like further clarification on your award, please contact your MVP Regional Coordinator Carrieanne at

If your full scope was approved, you will be receiving an email with your contract in the next week. If your project will require rescoping, you will be contacted with further instructions in the next week. Because of COVID-19, we will be accepting signed contracts returned by email no later than September 25th, 2020 (unless we work out a different return date with you). You must receive a countersigned contract back from us before commencing with project activities.

We would kindly ask that you embargo this news until the Commonwealth has the opportunity to make a formal announcement which is anticipated in the coming weeks.

Please let me know if you have any questions! We are looking forward to working with you.



*FY21 funds must be spent between the date EEA signs the contract and June 30, 2021. Any FY22 funds must be spent between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022.

Kara Runsten

Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Manager

MA Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs