Meetings through the end of the year

Post date: Aug 15, 2018 2:3:53 PM

Some years our meeting schedule only has one or two holiday conflicts and some years, there are multiple conflicts. We are headed into a stretch where the calendar is thwarting us.

At the last meeting, we shifted October meetings to the 15th and 29.

While updating the calendar and working through to the end of the year, there is a similar conflict on the second Tuesday of November (Veterans Day). It's getting more challenging to keep moving weeks late in the year. I suggest moving the first meeting of November to Wednesday, November 14th. And then, we will meet as usual on the 4th Monday, November 26th.

In December, we usually only hold one meeting. There are 5 Mondays in December (including Christmas Eve and New Years Eve.) The normal meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of the month would be December 10th. Should we consider, given the extra weeks and holidays, holding the December meeting on the third Monday, December 17th instead?

The good news is that after that, the next Monday schedule conflict does not occur until Patriots Day in April 2019; so we won't have to revisit this issue until the end of winter.

Also, while considering this topic, the Board may want to finalize time and location for work session.