Vote to Change Voting Machines

Post date: Jun 06, 2018 7:28:29 PM

Vote to Change from Accu-vote to Image Cast Precinct Optical Scan Tabulators (Change of Voting Machines). We anticipated this in last year's budget - purchase was part of capital plan. These new machines are a more modern version of the type of machines we use now. They are still optical scanning machines that stand alone and aren't networked or likely vulnerable to intrusion and hacking.

At the moment, the expectation is to use this in the fall election, most likely the November general election (the vendor provides a full day of tech support on site for the first use - seems best to have that for the most active election of the season.)

Motion to discontinue the use of Accu-vote machines and change to Image Cast Precinct Optical Scan Tabulators.