Kopelmann & Paige MMA Handouts

Post date: Feb 02, 2016 9:11:45 PM

2016 Massachusetts Municipal Association

Annual Meeting Handouts

It was wonderful to see so many familiar faces at the Massachusetts Municipal Association Annual Meeting on January 22-23 in Boston. We prepared several new updates for the meeting. The topics covered a wide range of legal issues, and links to each handout can be found below.

A Practical Guide to New Reporting Requirements Under the Affordable Care Act

Cable Rate Regulation By Massachusetts Department of Telecommunications And Cable

Community Preservation Act - Update on Pathways

Construction Manager At-Risk Contracts Implications of Coughlin Electrical Contractors, Inc. v. Gilbane Building Company

Is The Sun Setting on Solar in Massachusetts?

Massachusetts Federal Courts Strike Down Panhandling Ordinances As Unconstitutional

Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Watch

Open Meeting Law 2015 Recap

Reed v. Town of Gilbert, Arizona - U.S. Supreme Court Addresses Limitations on Content-Based Municipal Sign Codes

To make distribution of such materials easier for you, or if you were not able to attend the MMA, the materials may be accessed on our website at www.k-plaw.com. We hope you will find them useful as you meet the coming challenges in 2016, and we look forward to working with you all!

If you have questions, please contact Lauren Goldberg (lgoldberg@k-plaw.com) at617.556.0007.