Leadership Application Materials

FTC Peer Recommendation Form

During the summer, there are not going to be any designated leadership roles. The coaches will be observing during this time to notice any natural leadership that arises, as well as observing how the team functions. Once fall hits, we will release a leadership application to all team members. If you are interested in a leadership role, you will need to fill out the application at this time.

Coaches will choose leadership based on:

    • Observation of practices during the summer

    • Leadership application

    • Peer recommendation (5 signatures from other team members)

    • Knowledge and experience in role

If you are chosen for a leadership role, you will be asked to participate in leadership training. This training may occur during seminar, during practice, or outside of school hours in addition to practice. Coaches will accept a maximum of two leaders per role. Leaders will be expected to be role models of gracious professionalism and the core values of FTC inside and outside of school hours. Coaches reserve the right to remove someone from a leadership role if an incident occurs where poor judgment is displayed, poor character is displayed, or good conduct is violated.

In order to apply for a leadership position on the team, you need to fill out the following materials:

Leadership Application

Peer Recommendation Form