
For our class, students have multiple opportunities to make their own app using MIT App Inventor 2. This is a gallery where we can share apps with each other that we are proud of! Some of these apps took a lot of hard work, time, and frustration to create, but the payoff feels good which is why we persist in our efforts. Enjoy :)

Directions for App Sharing

2020-2021 List of App Available for Download with short description:

Amelia, Kevin, and Jacob: Plant Parent

Help your plants grow and flourish with this app! You can keep track of your plants with names and pictures, create a watering and fertilization schedule with notifiers, and research or get helpful tips about caring for your plant babies.

Amelia, Kevin, and Jacob: SupermarketSim v.2

2019-2020 List of App Available for Download with short description:

Eli B: RPM Calculator

2018-2019 List of Apps Available for Download with short description:

Avery H: Game Xplorer

This app has partial functionality (only for a limited amount of action games). The user can find game recommendations based on games that they have already played and enjoyed.

Avery H: Meteor Mash

In this riveting flappy-bird knock-off, you play as Nyan Cat. See how long you can avoid the meteors coming at you!

2017-2018 List of Apps Available for Download with short description:

Tanner B and Ray K: Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Master App (Client App for Mr. Rodemeyer):

This app is a helpful tool for the Dungeon Master (DM) when playing Dungeons & Dragons.. Features include initiative tracking and random item generation based. This app is still being improved, so check back for updates!

2016-2017 List of Apps Available for Download with short description:

Jacob A: Rooms

Slight horror/psychological story. Non-finished app with many improvement needed, basic story. Will update more as we learn.

Nick G: Cookie Clicker

In this Cookie-Clicker knock off, click on the cookie icon to earn points and upgrades.

Garrett G: Would you Rather

Would You Rather is an app that gives you a choice to make between two different options and there are five different questions to go through (for now).

Reece M: Kirbypedia

Everything you need to know about Kirby's copy abilities!

Jeffery W: Brick

Have you ever wanted to break some stuff with a ball and get points for it? Well here is your chance to play Brick, the new great game of hitting a ball off a paddle to make bricks disappear. It's free to play and a lot of fun. Download now.

Luke H: Pinball

While playing pinball have you ever thought, "Wow! I love pinball so much I want to carry it with me but... OH NO! The machine is too heavy!" Lucky for you, fine citizen, we have solved your dilemma and you may dry your tears. This app allows you to play a slightly different version of the game. The lights and sounds are gone, but the ball is still there slamming into bumpers and you still have those good old bumpers. We hope all your pinball dreams come true!

Cassidy P: Sudoku

Fill in all the square with the number 1-9 vertically, horizontally, and in the 3x3 boxes to complete the puzzle as fast as you can.

Jeffery W and Reece M: MiniGolf

A fun and addictive app! Do your best at trying to get under par for 18 holes on a randomly-generated course. Use the obstacles to bounce your ball, but avoid the water trap so you don't have to restart!

Garret G and Luke H: Pong

In this new-school remake of the classic pong game, the only opponent you face is yourself. Can you keep the ball in play long enough to score some major points?

Jacob A: Mars Madness (not fully functional)

In this fast-paced adventure game, you are Elon Musk and you are trying to race to the moon!

Nick G and Cassidy P: Random Facts Trivia

In this trivia game, in order to win you must get all trivia questions right in a row. When we say random trivia, we aren't kidding! These are some very random trivia facts. Good luck!

Nick G and Jeffery W: Disc Golf (Client App for Mrs. Bullis)

In this app, users can keep track of their disc golf scores without using data. Students can screenshot their completed scores for the teacher to view later.

Jacob A, Reece M, and Garrett G: Random Student Picker (Client App for Mr. Hovick)

In this app, teachers can create a list of students for each class period that is saved into the program. From this list that teachers can manually input, the app will select a random student from the list for the teacher to call on.

Cassidy P and Luke H: Participation App (Client App for Mr. Hovick)

In this app, teachers can create a list of students for each class period that is saved into the program. From this list, the user can keep track of the participation points for each student through a tally system. The user can decide when to erase this data and start fresh.