Khan Academy Information

Khan Academy is a website dedicated to allowing students to learn and practice topics ranging from economics to multivariable calculus. This is a free resource, which promises to remain free forever. I believe that this resource is extremely valuable to students, especially with math concepts, because it allows students to learn and practice concepts on their own time. I have had students who have graduated contact me during college and thank me for introducing them to this resource because they use it all the time in college.

As a student, Khan Academy offers video tutorials, exercises, webpage lessons, and even coding. For parents and teachers, Khan Academy offers "coaching" positions, in which you can view the progress that students have made and what they have been spending their time on. For my classes, I ask that all of my students login with their school Google account and add me as a coach, so that I can monitor which exercises they have completed and what they are still struggling with.

In order to login to Khan Academy, begin by visiting the website

Once you are there, You can click the "Start Learning Now" button:

Next you can click on the "Sign in with Gmail" button:

Once you click this, Google will ask permission to link with Khan Academy. Choose the google account that you want to use (your school Google account) and click the "Allow" button. At this point, you can create your avatar and get started in your lessons.

For each subject, Khan Academy will start you off with a quiz to see where you are at. This automatically fills in skills that you know in order to save you time. I highly recommend doing these on your own time so that you have a comprehensive idea of what skills you need to work on and what you already know.

If you click on the "Subjects" tab at the top of the page, you can see all of the different subject areas and topics that are covered. Not only does this website cover math topics from kindergarten to college, but it also covers subjects outside of mathematics and is a resource for SAT and ACT test prep.

You can also search for specific topics by using the search bar at the top of this page.

In order to see your progress, you can click the "Home" button. This leads you to your home screen where you can access information about yourself, your progress in specific skills, the badges you've earned, and your coaches. In order to see your progress, click on the "Progress" tab. You can change the timeline you would like to focus on (Today, Yesterday, the Last 7 days, etc...), as well as which subject you would like to focus on (The World of Math, Algebra 2, Economics, etc...). If you scroll down even more, you should be able to see the specific skills that you have been working on and what level of mastery you have achieved.

For each skill, you are given an idea of how well you have mastered the skill based on the level that is assigned to it. "Practiced" means that you have practiced the skill and met the minimum criteria for that skill, such as getting 5 problems in a row correct. "Level One", "Level Two", and "Mastered" come from practicing the skill multiple times or completing mastery challenges over multiple skills.

You can also receive a "Needs Practice" rating, which means that you never actually completed the activity:

A "Struggling" rating means that maybe you did complete the activity, but you got a lot of answers wrong and you need to try it again in order to really understand the concept:

This area also tells you how many questions you attempted and how long it took you to complete:

In order to add a coach, which is anyone that you want to allow access to see your progress, you can go back to the Home screen and click on the "Coaches" tab. Coaches have access to all of your Khan Academy data, so please be aware of that before you add any coaches. You can enter the email address of the person you would like to be your coach, or you can add a "class code" if your teacher has given you one.