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Information about standards-based grading:

Standards-based grading is a new method of calculating grades where your grade does not rely on assignments, and instead relies only on whether you are proficient with specific skills. This means that your grade is more meaningful, because you are able to see exactly which skills you are proficient in and which skills you need to work on. At Williamsburg, we have adopted a 10-point scale. On this scale, each score generally translates to:


0: You haven't completed the assessment or you left it blank

5.5-6.5: You completed the assessment but were unsuccessful with the most basic skills


7: You understand the basic skills but were unsuccessful with the more difficult skills

7.5: You understand the basic skills and some of the more difficult skills


8: You are proficient in all basic skills and more difficult skills, but haven't attempted going above and beyond for this standard

8.5: You are proficient in all basic skills and more difficult skills, and have attempted going above and beyond for this standard somewhat successfully


9-9.5: You are proficient in all basic skills and more difficult skills, and you successfully attempted to go above and beyond although you may have errors

10: You are proficient in all basic skills and more difficult skills, and you successfully went above and beyond

I am a STEM Innovator certified teacher

I am certified to teach two Project Lead the Way courses: Introduction to Computer Science and Computer Science Principles

I have received my computer science endorsement from the BOEE.