ART Analysis and Reporting

ART provides "added value" to the WCCoC with Demographics, Growth, Historical, and Trend Usage evaluation and reporting.

Below defines locally developed reporting. Selecting a the report graphic will send you to document repository.

WCCoC Public Folder: ART Report - "Chronically Homeless Analysis Report"

Analyses Intake Information based on time frame and Providers chosen and examines selections based on the assessment question of “Extent of the Homeless?”

Stake Holders: ● Case Manager ● Program Manager ● Executive Director

WCCoC Public Folder: ART Report - "Service Usage by an Active Client."

Active Client by definition is a client Entry/Exit Exit’s which is "OPEN" or not been defined. This reporting schema report is based on User’s input of Provider(s) and report date span for Entry START.

Stake Holders: ● Case Manager ● Program Manager ● Executive Director ● Data Entry/Quality

WCCoC Public Folder: ART Report WCCoC "Disabilities"

The report determines number of individuals or instances across Provider(s) which includes

demographic information based on Intake Assessment information for individuals with substance abuse

treatment needs and services for a specified timeline.

Stake Holders: ● Program Manager ● Executive Director

For more information contact Brent De Carlo the HMIS administrator at HMIS@WCCCC.NET or dial directly at 815.553.1511

WCCoC Public Folder: ART Report - "Service Usage by an Active Client."