Graphing and Statistics


Dot Plot

3- read and create a dot plot

4 - convert dot plots to other representations of data


Dot Plot worksheet


3- read and create a histogram

4- compare and contrast a histogram with a bar graph


Histogram worksheet

Measures of Central Tendency

3- compute the Measures of Central Tendency from a list

4- Find the measures of central tendency from graphs, table, and scenarios


Measures worksheet

Mean Absolute Deviation

3 - compute the Mean Absolute Deviation

4 - Compare two Mean absolute deviations and describe what they mean as it relates to real life situations


Mean Absolute Deviation

Box Plots

3 - read and create a box plot

4 - compare two box plots


box plot practice

General Review

video suggestion

Use the objective checklist that you got in class (or download the one in the link below). If there is something that you are not good at, please practice this or see me for extra help.