Arithmetic to Algebra (fall unit)

Essential Skill


3- can find standard form, exponential notation and expanded form for single digit numbers with small exponents

4- can find all forms of all exponents



Order of Operations

3 - can solve problems with 4-5 operations

4- can solve problems with more than 5 operations


A. No Exponents

B. with exponents

C. challenge

Words to Expressions

3 - can write an expression with one operation

4- can write an expression with two or more operations


words - expressions

Expressions from a Table

3 - can find a linear two operation expression from a table (ex: 3x -1 =y)

4 - can also find non linear equations from a table


from a table

Expressions from a picture

3 - can create a table from a picture

4 - can create a rule from a picture


Solving 1 step equations

3 - can solve one step equations

4- see multistep equations below


add or subtract

multiply or divide

Solving multi step equations

3- solve 2 step equations

4 - solve problems with 3 or more steps


two step

Sequences and Series

3- can find the nth term

4 - can find the sum of n terms

Video Suggestion

Use the objective checklist that you got in class (or download the one in the link below). If there is something that you are not good at, please practice this or see me for extra help.