Algebra (spring unit)


Words to Algebra

3- can write expressions/equations with 2 terms

4- can write expressions/equations with 3 terms


Writing with Equations

Tables From Algebraic Expressions

3 - can fill out a table based on simple expressions

4 - can fill out a table based on complex expressions

Video Suggestion

Patterns to tables to rules

3- can create a table and expression from a simple pattern

4- can create a table and expression from a complex pattern



two step rules

apply rule

Distributive Property

3 - distribute one term from outside the parentheses

4- distribute one term from outside the parentheses into multiple terms inside the parenthesis


distribute and factor

Simplify Expressions

3-can combine like terms with up to 5 terms

4- can combine like terms with any number of terms



Solving Equations

3 - can solve one and two step equations

4- can solve 3 and more step equations


2 step

more than 2 step