Jag Fit Test Demonstrations

Right Angle Push-Ups

Test for Upper Body Strength

1. Start Position: hands on floor under shoulders, arms straight, fingers forward, legs straight and in line with back and feet slightly apart with toes supporting feet.

2. Next Step: While maintaining straight back and knees, lower the body until a right angle is formed at the elbow and the upper arms are parallel to the floor. Push the body back up into the start position.

Continue by doing as many of these repetitions as possible until proper form is no longer able to be maintained.

Sit Ups

Test for Core Strength

1. Start Position: on a cushioned surface, lie on back with knees bent and feet about 12 inches from buttocks. A partner may be required to hold the feet down and for counting. Arms should be crossed with hands placed on opposite shoulders and elbows close to chest.

2. Next Step: Raise the trunk until elbows touch thighs then return to the starting position with shoulder blades touching the floor. Continue doing as many sit-up as possible for the duration of one full minute.

Sit & Reach Test for Flexibility

1. Start Position: Use a box with a meter stick extending 23 centimeters past the box towards the student. Remove shoes and sit on the floor with legs straight and feet held flat against the end of the box.

2. Next Step: Place one hand on top of the other, palms facing downwards and reach along the measuring stick as far as possible. Take up to three practice reaches then hold the last reach for three seconds while the distance is recorded.