Find & Replace

When working with a CSV file it is often necessary to find data contained within and sometimes replace it. Find & Replace is used for just this. You can access it from the Edit > Find & Replace menu or by pressing Ctrl-F on the keyboard.

You will then see the following dialog:

Enter the phrase or word you are looking for and the corresponding one to replace it with if any. Clicking Find will search for the first occurance of your criteria. Replace will replace the criteria with the replacement value you have entered. Replace All will replace all occurances of the criteria with the replacement value.

You can adjust how the searching is performed and the coverage of the file to use with the following options:

Matching Style

* We recommend RegexBuddy from JG Soft as a superb tool for designing Regular Expressions.


Direction specifies the coverage the search will use.


These are extra facilities to alter how the search is performed. Match Case will force the matching routines to only accept phrases will exactly the same layout of upper and lower case letters and Current Column restricts the search to only examine the currently highlighted column.