
The Filter acts like a query tool allowing you to reduce the dataset down to just the rows that meet your specific criteria. This is done through a series of rules you define on the screen below. You can access the Filter action from the toolbar or via the Action > Filter menu.

You click Add to insert a new rule on the main grid. Each row has three columns. The first defines which column from your data you which to apply a rule to. The second is the condition to test for. They are:


is not


does not contain

starts with

ends with

greater than*

less than*

matches RegEx

is empty

is not empty

* These conditions assume the values being tested are numeric. If a value is blank or non-numeric it will be assumed to be zero.

Then we have the value to apply with the condition. This is a freeform entry box for you to type in. An example rule might be:

Last Name is Smith

First Name is not John

Applying this will give us all the Smith's who aren't John.

The option at the very top of the screen allows you to alter the mode of the filter between match all rules, match any rules and match none of the rules. This effectively gives us a basic AND/OR/NOT logic. The Limit to the first x rows is an additional filter to only return the first x rows that meet the rules set above.

If you have a complex set of filter rules you may wish to apply them over and over on different data. You can use the Open and Save filter buttons on the toolbar at the top.

Once you are happy with your rules, you simply press Filter and CSV Easy will process the file, returning the new filtered data set.