Auto Populate

Auto Populate provides a simple way to fill an entire column with data. There are three ways to do this and each is explained below:

Auto Number

Fills the specified column with a running number starting from and incrementing by the numbers you enter in the options section.


GUID stands for Globally Unique IDentifier. It's a 16 byte (128-bit) number that is universally unique. Especially useful if you need to keep a reference that will be traceable regardless of where it is used or imported into in the future.

Text Value

This simply inserts the phrase you enter in the options into the column you specify. As in the screen shot above it could be used to add the country UK to all rows.

From Columns

Use this to populate your selected column from the contents of column A. If you use column B as well the two columns contents will be joined together. If you also choose to enter a separator this will be placed between columns A and B.

From Element

This allows you to pluck an element from an existing column and populate your column with this data. The separator determines how the elements are broken up and element position determines which element you wish to extract. So for example if you had an address line in one column like this:

London Road,Portsmouth,Hampshire

and we wanted just Portsmouth out of the data. We set the separator to a comma and ask for element position 2. Extract from position to end will start from the position you enter and take all the data from that point to the end of the cell.

Clicking Run will apply the values to the data.