Editing cells

As well as being able to view and bulk modify CSV files you can also manually edit individual cells. double clicking or pressing the Space key in a cell will place CSV Easy into an edit mode were you can alter the contents. Hitting Escape will cancel your edit and return will commit it.

Along with these you also have the standard windows Edit menu and some special extras

Standard Edit Menu

Undo, Cut, Copy and Paste do as expected with manipulating what is put on the clipboard and retrieved. Using these functions over a cell will alter the entire contents.

Revert History will go back in history one step. The equivalent of choosing the last drop down item from the History button. See the History section for more details.

Add, Clone and Delete Rows

Add Row will add a new blank row to the end of the data. Clone Row, will create a complete copy of the current row and add it to the end and Delete Row will remove the current row.

Paste Special

Cell Editor

This will pop up the contents of the current cell in a larger, resizeable window. There you can edit the contents, with multiple lines if you wish.


Shifting allows you to move sections of the current row left and right. This is especially useful for data that has loaded mis-aligned. There are four ways to shift as described below:


If you have delimited data within a cell it can be very time consuming to split that data back out in to individual cells. Splitting provides an easy way to do so. Highlight a cell, navigate to the Split Cell menu and choose your marker (this will default to the open files delimiter). Now you have four options to choose from: