Mrs. Kutilek

Cheney Elementary Third Grade

Frequently Asked Questions 

General Questions

Who is Mrs. Kutilek?

Watch Video Here

How do I contact Mrs. Kutilek?

To Contact Me


Phone: 316-542-3137 ext. 2258

Watch Video Here

How do I find you on Facebook?

You can check out our happenings on Mrs. Kutilek’s 3rdGrade. Go to Mrs. Kutilek’s 3rd grade group and request to join.

What do I do if my child will be absent from school?

Please contact the school to let them know of the absence. If it is an excused absence, I will provide make-up work for your child. Please understand that not everything we do in school can be made up. A majority of our learning each day comes from our class interactions. If you must pick your child up at school for an appointment, please go to the office first to sign your child out. This ensures your child’s safety.

ACADEMIC Questions:

Where is the 3rd grade website?

Find it here. It is full of practice, spelling words, and all kinds of great things for your 3rd grader. Feel free to explore.

When does homework come home?

Homework comes home only on Fridays in the left pocket of the Friday Folder. The poem for next week is in there. The reading log is sent via email and math is required online. You have all week to complete the work. It is due the next Friday.

What is the difference between homework and classwork?

Homework comes home in the Friday Folder and is due the following Friday. Classwork is work that was not completed that day during school. It is sent home that night and is due the following day.

What comes home in the Friday Folder?

In the left pocket you will find the poem for the next week. In the right pocket you will find all of your child’s graded papers for the week. Keep these at home.

What is my responsibility as a parent with the Friday Folder?

Look through the graded papers so you can see how your child did this week. Begin working on the poem each day.

What are the requirements for the Great Poetry Race?

The Great Poetry Race is a contest to promote oral reading fluency. Your child is required to read the poem orally to others during the week. Each read counts as one time read. For example, if your child reads the poem to the family at the dinner table and there are 5 people at your table, your child must read the poem 5 times to count 5 reads. Just because 5 people heard the poem does not mean your child read it 5 times. Our goal is to read the poem at least 14 times during the week. The child with the most reads wins the race for the week and gets to keep a froggy friend on their desk for the day. This is required homework. You are welcome to read it over the phone to relatives and friends as well as reading to family pets. I just need an adult signature to verify the reading.

What is Daily 5 and C.A.F.E?

The daily 5 is a framework for reading. When your child is not reading with the teacher in guided reading they will rotate through several stations a day including: Word work, Read to Self, Read to Someone, Listen to Reading, and Writing. CAFÉ is an acronym for the strategies I will be teaching your child to improve their reading. C-Comprehension, A-Accuracy, F-fluency, and E-Expanding vocabulary.

What is Rocket Math?

Rocket Math is our program to memorize basic math facts. Your child will be memorizing addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts in third grade. We will have daily practice on this. Math homework each week is fluency practice at

What is Sitton Spelling?

Sitton is the name of the program we use. The words your child will be spelling are based on the most common words used in our English language. The tests will be in the context of a paragraph so not only will your child learn how to spell the most common words, but also how to use them correctly in written communication. Tests are on Fridays. Lists can be found on our website: Spelling Lists

What is the Common Core?

Cheney Elementary follows the Common Core Curriculum as adopted by our state. Feel free to read about all we do in 3rd grade here:


Reading (ELA)

What is the grading scale?

100%-90% = A

89%-80% = B

79%-70% = C

69%-60% = D

59%-Below = F


What is the discipline plan?

Our class motto: Kindness Counts and Manners Matter


1.                Persevere: Keep trying when things get difficult.

2.                Respect: Be respectful of yourself and others.

3.                Show Integrity: Do what’s right.

4.                Be Dependable: Be responsible to meet expectations.

5.                Show Empathy: Walk in another’s shoes to understand.


Clip down=5 minutes from recess -1 behavior point for the day

2 clips down=10 minutes from recess -2behavior points for the day                                                                    

3 clips down=miss all of recess, parent contact-3 behavior points for the day


Clip up=+1 behavior point for the day

2 clips up=+2 behavior points for the day

3 clips up=top of the class +3 points for the day, teacher wears clip


Each child starts in the middle of the clip chart at “Ready to Learn”. 3 points are automatically given for staying in this spot. Points can be gained or lost during the day for following or not following the classroom rules, teacher’s directions, or work expectations. I use class Dojo for tracking student’s points. Read about it here: Or scan this:


What about recess?

We have 2 recesses per day. We will go out for recess every day unless the temperature or wind-chill is below 20 degrees or it is raining/snowing. Please send appropriate clothing for outside recess. If your child is not to go outside for recess for medical reasons, they need to bring a note from home each day they are to stay inside.

How does snack time work?

We will have a regular snack time each day. Each child may bring a snack for him/herself. I ask that the snacks be simple and nutritious. We will not stop class for snacks, but will enjoy them as we work. If your child does not need or want a snack, they do not need to bring one. Snacks are optional. General  guidelines:

The snack must be nutritious.

It should be easy to eat in 10 minutes or less.

Please do not send candy, cookies or chips.

What is the 3rd grade water bottle policy?

Water bottles are fine in the classroom as long as they don't cause a distraction for both your child and other children.

What is school birthday party policy?

Your child may celebrate his/her birthday at school. It is appropriate to send or bring treats to school on or around your child's birthday. We usually hold the celebration at the end of the day around 2:50. If your child has a summer birthday they may celebrate their 1/2 birthday (6 mo. from actual date) with us so that they may have a special day, too.

If you are planning a birthday party at home and have invitations to send, please do not pass those out at school.

Wish List Items for class:

There are a few special supplies that we will be using in addition to the regular school supplies. IF you'd like to help, choose ONE item to send to school from this list: