CAEP: Annual Reporting Measures

Program Impact in K-12 Students UPRRP 2021-2022

4.1 Program Impact on K-12 Students

Completers impacting students outside of school and remotely The College of Education celebrated the World Day of Oral Narration (20M). Last Saturday, March 20, 2021, the Teacher Induction Project held the 6th edition of the World Storytelling Day virtually on its Facebook page (@diamundialdelanarracion). This edition carried the theme Narrating from virtuality for coexistence in Diversity. The logistics of this event consisted of publishing content, videos, broadcasts and images from different authors every short period of time. The public is encouraged to share their footage, photos and content with us, as a result of oral narration activities, focused on Puerto Rico and Latin America, both from the public and private sectors.

Completers (42) who completed the Satisfaction questionnaire reported students' impact activities. Some of those are described qualitatively as follows:

1. Perform choreographies where they tell a story and win prizes.

2. Hold student assemblies.

3. Numerous activities such as: theater week, plays for the community and private events.

4. In the educational setting we work with various topics of interest to children. One of the themes was birds. On one occasion we used a theme to work on physical skills in babies. For example, we turned a box into an ostrich for the kids to get in and walk fast like how ostriches run. Likewise, we turned a swimming pool into a giant nest so that the children would have the challenge of getting in and out and exploring different textures inside. On the other hand, I also had the opportunity to invite the children's uncles to do sensory activities and share with their nephews.

5. Group dynamics and assemblies.

6. Create a book with the myths, essays and poems written by the students.

7. Carry out business plans, advertising campaigns and apply labor laws to ethics cases.

8. Student academic trips to Europe.

9. Visit of the EcoExploratorio to the school.

10. Send them a request for external study scholarships, which makes it easier for them not to have to work and to dedicate themselves to their studies.

11. A project is established to form a connection between what is learned in class and the relevance, importance and application in daily life.

12. Artworks are made to establish the integration of mathematics and the arts.

13. Special projects to support school readiness goals.

14. Profession day, in which talks are held on all areas of occupation, visits by writers and creative writing workshops, etc. I currently apply design thinking, a methodology in which I have prepared myself to give workshops and apply in class.

15. Student organizations to achieve full integration of my EE students into the community to develop employment and self-help skills.

16. Together with a sign interpreter, we are working on an initiative to teach sign language to the sixth and seventh graders so that there is greater inclusion with deaf and partial-deaf students.

17. Committee of students volunteered to clean the school.

18. Use of web pages to place different types of course material (electronic presentations and laboratory activities), to create assessment activities (word searches, crossword puzzles, fill in the blanks, trivia, identify, among others) and use of apps to develop presentations interactive (Prezi or Sway).

19. Workshops: knowing my culture through movement and integrating weekly recreational skills to the resource room.

20. Incorporate families in the development of daily journaling to encourage reading and writing.

21. Museum of insects created by students with recyclable materials for one year. Another year, a museum of marine animals created by students with recyclable materials.

22. Many of my students have defiant behavior and poor frustration management. Also, they come from marginalized communities, where the family is rarely integrated into the educational process, so they have many lags and little interest in education, because many times they do not have support, or someone who listens to them. So, some initiatives or strategies have been the integration of different activities to manage or channel frustration, such as: an area to paint, use sand, board games, etc. I also made a reading area, a cozy one with a chalk wall to assert the right to expression and express themselves either about the reading we read or about how they feel during the day or about another situation. I have also had the initiative to plant some medicinal or edible plant of your choice. These initiatives that go beyond the traditional have had an impact on my students.

23. Efficient integration of technology and teaching.

24. Knowing in an alternative way the History of our country and appropriating it

Completers impacting students outside of school and remotely

Completers impacting students outside of school and remotely

The College of Education celebrated the World Day of Oral Narration (20M). Last Saturday, March 20, 2021, the Teacher Induction Project held the 6th edition of the World Storytelling Day virtually on its Facebook page (@diamundialdelanarracion). This edition carried the theme Narrating from virtuality for coexistence in Diversity. The logistics of this event consisted of publishing content, videos, broadcasts and images from different authors every short period of time. The public is encouraged to share their footage, photos and content with us, as a result of oral narration activities, focused on Puerto Rico and Latin America, both from the public and private sectors.

4.2 Effective Teaching and Professional Development

To demonstrate the effectiveness of our graduate teachers of UPRRP, the following complete-teacher perceptions are presented in five case studies, in which they show their aptitudes, skills and abilities acquired in their years of study at the university.

Teacher 01-2021 (Class 2017) 01-2021

Technological skills: The teacher, despite being rushed by the pandemic, uses technology very well as a learning tool. Through the Edmodo app, the teacher has effectively moved the classroom virtual. It even uses the resources provided by applications such as Google Meets to record class sections and the student can access the recording at any time. Without having taken into consideration that while the student is using the technology, a knowledge is being developed which will be of help for the preparation of employment.

Communication Skills: Even though the teacher was limited to teaching in a pandemic, he was able to maintain constant communication with his students through the Edmodo app. Which provided the necessary tools to be able to communicate with students through messages, announcements, and a "chat". The students have access to communicate with the teacher at all times through the application, helping to make the learning process more effective.

Teacher 02-2021 (2019) 02-2021

Class management: In the video we can highlight that all the educational progress was made at the time of the Pandemic. Although there was no time when the teacher was in the room with the students, it does not mean that there was never good class management. The teacher dedicated herself to meeting with her co-workers to come up with a plan where effective teaching could be given and parents could work from home with their students. In other words, they helped create a learning environment where students felt comfortable despite the conditions they were in due to the pandemic.

Motivational skills: The teacher describes that, despite teaching, she gave her time to simply talk with the students. This is extremely essential, considering that they were in the middle of a pandemic and the interactions they could have been limited. She showed the students who had her support by her connection with them that even though it was not class time, she was willing to take time out and listen to them.

Teacher 03-2021 (2017) 03-2021

● Goal setting and instructional planning: In the video we can understand how the teacher organizes plans to help students receive the necessary learning through videos where he reinforces different educational areas of the student. At the same time, there is a page (Facebook) where he uploads some modules.

● Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Practices and Subject Matter Skills: The teacher has knowledge regarding age differences to develop an appropriate teaching level since he has classes from kindergarten to second grade and integrates to fourth grade. That is, the teacher has sufficiently advanced learning knowledge to be able to teach fourth graders Spanish through the theatrical tools that they have acquired as a professional educator. At the same time, it includes different classes of which he has been in charge of teaching through videos since it was being developed at the time of the pandemic.

Teacher 04-2021 (2016) 04-2021

● Technology Skills: The teacher begins to explain how important technology interaction is not only with students, but also with parents and the school community. Establishing new learning opportunities and seeing how Hurricane María has affected education shows us how much the use of technology is necessary. At the same time, technology helps to innovate the teaching process and according to his experience, it has always involved him in the classroom.

● Subject matter competence: The teacher has advanced subject matter knowledge of the interview topic. This is distinguished by the distinction it makes regarding the lack of a course that explains what you should do in a job interview. Therefore, as an educator, he has dedicated himself to explaining the importance of highlighting how the individual being interviewed should think about how to make a difference in the teaching process.

Projects of the Website of the Teaching Induction Project (PIM)

Digital Library for Completers - to offer educational tools that are relevant to teaching work, such as; peer reviewed documents, tutorials, articles, manuals, guides, among others. Within this library we find a space with local and international resources that serve as support and accompaniment in protective actions that the completers carry out in the different emergencies that we call Teacher Refuge (Refugio para Maestros). This digital library had a record of more than 800 visits from May 2019 to January 2020.

Support, Mentoring and Experience (AME). This initiative seeks to offer the experienced teacher the opportunity to share their experiences and support the beginning graduate through a mentoring process with other experienced completers. Currently, we have 11 couples who offer mentoring related to lesson planning, group management, learning assessment, construction of assessment tasks, literature, teaching strategies and technology integration.

Equipo del Proyecto de Inducción al Magisterio (PIM)

Written: martes, 27 de abril de 2021 | Revised: 28 & 30 April 2021
Dr. Nellie J. Zambrana Ortiz, Coordinator PIM
Vionet N. Lugo Rosas, Research Assistant - PEAFMaría de los Ángeles Robles Sellés, Assistant -PET