Funding and Employment

Funding Sources

Explore the funding possibilities for both PhD and Master's students.

UM engineering PhD students are guaranteed full funding for up to 5 years. CLaSP graduate students are usually funded by their advisor's research grants, a fellowship, a Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) appointment, or some combination thereof. CLaSP PhD students often apply to various fellowships external to UM.

Internal Funding Opportunities

The Graduate Employees' Organization (GEO)

GEO is the labor union that represents UM Graduate Student Instructors (GSIs) and Graduate Student Staff Assistants (GSSAs) (click here for a breakdown of student appointments). GEO bargains on behalf of graduate students for the terms of our employment by the university as laid out in the GSI contract. This includes the minimum annual stipend, yearly raises, and health care. Though Graduate Student Research Assistants (GSRAs) are not currently permitted by Michigan law to be part of GEO's bargaining unit, the university traditionally provides them the same stipends and health benefits as GSIs.

Any graduate student can join GEO. To learn more, check out the website or contact the CLASP GEO Steward.