Courses and Academics

For comprehensive and up-to-date course offerings, check the schedule of classes published by the Office of the Registrar. To browse the course listings in Wolverine Access:

Step-by-step instructions to register for a course.

Full-time graduate study is 9 credits for pre-candidates, 8 credits for candidates, but this may be reduced by a student appointment. For PhD students and international students, student services and financial aid may depend on when and how many credits you have enrolled in. PhD students who have advanced to candidacy are not required to take formal courses, and there are restrictions on how frequently a PhD candidate can take regular courses.

CLaSP Courses

See the CoE CLaSP course bulletin for an exhaustive list of courses with descriptions and prerequisites. The department website lists program requirements for the PhD and the Masters of Engineering programs in Applied Climate and Space Engineering.

CLaSP students engage in highly interdisciplinary and broadly applied research which can benefit from programs in science policy, computing, and data science. The University of Michigan offers several certificates and dual-degree programs that CLaSP students use to build complementary skill sets and demonstrate mastery beyond the normal scope of the Climate and Space grad program.

Other Relevant Courses

Independent Study

Candidates must enroll in CLIMATE 995 each term. Pre-candidates may wish to bulk out their schedule by taking CLIMATE 990 credits. In either case, here are step-by-step directions to register for independent study credits: