CLaSP Student Survival Guide

Use the "CLASP Student Survival Guide" tab to browse the in-depth survival guide. Or just check the FAQs below for a lighter version.

Questions? Feedback? Email!


This guide has been written by graduate students, with graduate students in mind (particularly, PhD students)!

We can only hope that the guide will be helpful. Please share it, and contribute where you feel it could be better.

Frequently/Urgently Asked Questions

Where is my classroom?!

Check out the CSRB Building Maps! For other buildings, try UM's searchable interactive campus map.

Where can I get something to eat?!

Here's a map of university cafés, restaurants, and dining halls on campus. Pierpont Commons is the North Campus student union and has many dining options, and the Courtyard Shops (~15 min. walk from CSRB) have a handful of restaurants and are also convenient to the CSRB for lunch. Traver Village Shopping Center (~20 min. walk from CSRB) hosts grocery stores (e.g. Kroger, Way 1), cafés, shops, and quick eats. 

HELP I have a cavity/broken leg/mental health problem!!

There's lots of different places at UM to help handle your health needs:

There's a problem with my computer!

Contact the CSRB IT team for help with computers at if the problem is with a university issued desktop or laptop, include the machine inventory number (your machine will be labeled with it, e.g. "SRB 2018-XXXX").

When am I getting paid?!

Typically students are paid by direct deposit either once a month or more frequently if the student is paid by a fellowship. Manage your academic finances in Wolverine Access. If you have not been paid at all 1 month from the beginning of term, contact the CLaSP Student Services Coordinator: Claire Miller (

Am I working too much?! (Too little?)

There isn’t a typical set number of hours; every student is different! First year students often have to focus more time on coursework than research, especially leading up to the Qualifying Exam. It's normal to work at least 20 hours per week but talk to your advisor about work expectations.

I'm an international student and I have questions about my visa/taxes/employment/enrollment!

Check out the International Center's website and resources for students. The IC also holds Advising Hours on Central Campus.


This guide grew out of the efforts of the CLaSP Handbook Development Committee, who just wanted to make things easier for everyone.

Handbook Development Committee Members (Jan-May 2017)

Additional contributions from: Natasha Dacic