Grade 2 & 3 Library

Week of April 6th

Click on the picture below to listen to our story!

Note: You will need to login to your child's UGCLOUD school account to view the video due to copyright regulations.

Talk About It

Talk to an adult about today's story.

See if you can make a connection between what happens to the character and what's happening in your life right now!

What lesson can you take from today's story? Is there always a "fortunately" after an "unfortunately"?

Why not make it a game to try and find a "fortunately" for every "unfortunately" you see in your life right now.

Learning Activities: Pick an activity from the choices below to have even more "Fortunately" fun!

Make Your Own Story

Draw or write your own version of what is unfortunate and fortunate in your life right now. Click on the picture above to download the printable.

Maker Idea!

Design a parachute out of materials at home that will work with a Lego person or other small toy! You might use string, plastic bags, old material scraps, or anything else you think will work.


Learn the truth about sharks by finding out what they really like to eat in PebbleGo (Hint: It's not humans!) Draw or write about what you find. Click on the picture above to take you to UG2GO.