Parents as Teachers at Avondale East

Join us for Playtime at the Avondale East Center! (455 SE Golf Park Blvd). Playgroups are always FREE and are for parents with children birth to age five living in the USD 501 school district. Please use the South East entrance for the PAT playroom. This site features a Lending Library and Computer Lab. Services are supported by Early Childhood Block Grant through the CASS Partnership Please call 274-6482 if you have questions!

Lending Library

Parents as Teachers at the Avondale East Center offers a toy lending library for families in the area. Educators will assist parents in checking out toys and books for their children that are developmentally appropriate. To check out materials please contact PAT Staff on site.

Computer Lab

A small PAT computer lab with internet access is available for families that live in the Avondale East area. The computer lab is a great way to update computer skills or make a career change and is open daily! Please contact the partnership at 274-6489 if you have questions!


Tuesdays 10:30-12pm

Thursdays 10:30-12pm

Center Hours

9:30-2pm Tuesdays and Thursdays