Group 2:
Lecture Handouts
Based on White's Chapter 1 and Other Readings
Lecture 1.0 HO Seeing and Thinking as Scientist, Physician, Clinician, & Counselor
Lecture 1.1 HO Defining Health and Wellness
Ten Leading Causes of Death (2018) in USA by Age / CDC
Lecture 1.2 HO Health Behavior Theory
Lecture 1.2 PDF Reading - Health Behavior Theory
Based on White's Chapter 2 and Other Readings
Lecture 2.0 PDF Reading - What is Health Psychology
Lecture 2.1 HO Schema + Types of Medicine
Lecture 2.2 HO BioMedical Model vs. BioPsychoSocial Model
Based on White's Chapter 3 and Other Readings
Lecture 3.0 HO STRESS: Keeping Your Balance in a Hectic World (Part 1 and Part 2)
Based on White's Chapter 16 and other Readings
Lecture 4.0 HO Defining Cancer and Causes of Cancer (Part 1)
Lecture 4.1 HO Types of Cancer with Special Focus on HPV (Part 2)
Cancer and PFAS Geolocation Mappings
Based on White's Chapter 8 and other Readings
Lecture 5.0 HO Nutrition: Eating Right for Life (Part 1)
Lecture 5.1.HO Nutrition - Why We Eat What We Eat (Part 2)
New Look at Nutrition by American Heart Association (11-2-21)
Colorectal Cancer assoc. with Foods and Drinks 2019
Based on White's Chapter 10 and other Readings
Lecture 6.0 HO Body Weight: Proxy Indicator of Health and Illness
Obesity Changes in USA from 1995 to 2019
Marijuana and Body Weight 2014
Based on White's Chapter 13 and other Readings
Lecture 7.0 HO Immune System Health (Part 1)
Lecture 7.1 HO Immune System Health (Part 2)
Based on White's Chapter 12 and other Readings
Lecture 8.0 HO Personal Safety: Unintended Accidents (Part 1)
Lecture 8.1 HO Personal Safety Intended Harm/Injury/Death (Part 2)
USA Gun Violence Comparisons to the other Developed World Nations