Usage at Home

Advice to Parents:

Listed below are some helpful tips that will assist parents in managing devices within the home. It is important to understand that all iPads are personal family devices and need to be managed as such. It is a collaborative approach where schools manage the devices and student's use while at school and parents manage their child's device and use at any other time outside school hours.

At school, the iPad is used as an educational tool with little or no time allowed for recreational activities. We encourage our children to value the device as such. At home, families may choose to allow the use of the iPad for other activities and that is a decision made by each family.

Top 5 Strategies for Parents on Managing Children's Technology Use:

Need help establishing technology rules in your home?

Let technology bring your family closer to each other, not make the family its servant and keep you apart.

1. Remind children that use of technology is a privilege, not a right.

2. Set a family media policy - decide who can use which forms of technology, when and where it's acceptable and how you will monitor usage.

3. Establish consequences, both positive and negative, for appropriate technology usage.

4. Establish "technology-free" zones and times in your home when you all "unplug" and concentrate on communicating with each other and enjoying each other's company.

5. Help your children achieve balance in their lives by encouraging them to stay physically active, enjoy reading and learn to relax and have fun without electronics.

"Parents are their children's first and best teachers," said Laura Buddenberg, Boys Town Training and community Outreach Manager. "They should model appropriate use of technology for their kids."

Further Suggested Tips:

  • While at home, make a rule that your child uses their device under adult supervision i.e. in a room where you can see what they are doing. Similarly do not allow the iPad in your child's room overnight. Have a "charging station" set up in a family room.

  • Make sure you do not allow your child unlimited access to the device. Have a set time limit per day which allows for homework and some recreation but encourage other activities and outside play as well.

  • If you child forgets to take their device to school, please do not bring the device in for them. Encourage responsibility. It is likely that once forgotten, they will never forget again.

  • Encourage transparency - monitor emails, websites, apps, photographs, videos.

  • Social media websites/apps such as facebook, snap chat, instagram are age restricted to 13+