
All teachers are ‘on duty’ at all times. It is only by our collaboration and determination to establish consistent behaviours that we will maintain a happy, safe and healthy school. 

Duty Areas (General guidance) 

Area 1 Classroom Block

Area 2 turf & asphalt area outside Hall and Administration 

Area 3 Adventure playground and Court area

With Own Class


Each teacher receives 90min per week classroom release time.

School Hours/Bell Times

Children may not leave school grounds before the 3pm bell (unless given specific permission, and have signed out via the vistab in the office). Children do not commence any break before scheduled time except in exceptional circumstances (trip etc). Early release is not used as a motivational reward. 

Roll Call / Attendance

Attendance concerns should be reported to team leaders. 

Meetings and Comms

Planning and Preparation 

Each class teacher will:

Home Communication

Parent/whānau/caregiver Communication 

Parents/whānau/caregivers are important to our work. Without their confidence and support, our progress with their children will be nominal. An open relationship is essential if schools are to develop a partnership with parents/whanau/caregivers. Communication in regard to student progress and achievement is expected to be open, honest and full. Parents/whanau/caregivers with concerns should feel confident when approaching teachers and believe that their point of view is valued and respected. 

Key aspects of formal reporting include:

Relationships with parents/whanau/caregivers 


Appointments During School Hours 

Parent Education - How to help children at home. 

Student Information and Records 

Student records are maintained by teachers.  Assembly is our main student record software. Excel files, Google Docs and some manual systems are also used. These provide a long-term record of student progress and achievement. 

Non-Custodial Parents 

Teachers should ensure that custodial arrangements for all children in their class are known and recorded within class records. Non-custodial parents are entitled to attend parent interviews and to receive copies of school reports. Failing a court order, non-custodial parents should be treated as if they were custodial parents in regard to school reporting practices. 

Accidents/Sick Bay 

Payroll Queries 

All queries in regard to payroll should be directed to the Executive Officer (Deborah). The correct payment of staff is a high priority. 

Budget / Reimbursements 

All invoices and dockets should be signed and presented to the office for reimbursement or to verify receipt of goods. Reimbursement forms are available on the school intranet.  Each class has $350 for consumables.


Classroom Environments 

EOTC Visits

Leave of Absence 

Lost Balls

Smoking / Vaping

Lunch Orders

Staffroom/Morning Tea 

Road Patrol 


St Clair School Board


Home Learning 

SchoolDocs us/pw are both stclair