Integrated Curriculum (Pohewa)

At St Clair School, Science, Social Sciences, Health & PE, The Arts are delivered in an integrated approach. At St Clair we call this Pohewa.


Purpose:   For ākonga to learn in a collaborative environment supporting and being supported in learning with others.  We utilise our flexible learning environment to ensure that ākonga and staff are able to be independent, self-directed learners, learning and collaborating alongside others at the pace and challenge that they determine.

Delivery:  Our teaching teams enable collaboration through planning, teaching, reflecting and evaluating practice, supported by the high levels of visibility and transparency. Teachers work together in a coordinated way to meet team goals and aspirations, with regular reflection and planning time. The kaiako team are collegial, challenging, supportive and acknowledging towards colleagues, deepening the learning experiences for ākonga and staff. 

Pedagogy:  The following practices will occur at all levels:

Applications: Collaboration - TKI