English (Literacy)

At St Clair School we acknowledge literacy as an essential foundation skill for children. In order for our students to succeed in literacy, they will develop skills to communicate in a variety of ways. Literacy learning involves:

Purpose:  For ākonga to study, use and enjoy language and literature, communicate and be communicated with orally, visually and in writing.  Ākonga will build their personal literacy capability, and access the thoughts and perspectives of others.

Delivery:  The English curriculum will be delivered across all levels, via daily opportunities to learn and explore literacy.  The English curriculum is taught explicitly and is woven and appreciated across all other learning areas in the curriculum. 

Pedagogy:  The following practices will occur at all levels of schooling in English:

Kaupapa: Ākonga will utilise the Understand, Know and Do pedagogy, as they work through the Progress Outcomes at years 1-3 and 4-6, utilising the Common Practice Model to deliver Te Mātaiaho’s English Curriculum