Learner Agency

Learner agency is a key pedagogical philosophy at our school. This philosophy recognises that we need new ways of learning if we are to successfully prepare our children for a complex and unknowable future. Agentic learning theory aims to support learners as they take control of their own learning and become more self-actualising. 

“Agency is about enablement - enabling students to take charge of their own learning. Such an approach does not leave students ‘to discover’ in an unstructured environment. Rather, such environments are highly structured, giving students the power to act] and apply sustained and thoughtful engagement.” Ref: Mark Osbourne [Core Ed NZ]

"So this is what it might look like if students really have learnt to learn. There are a number of things that you would notice. The first is a sense of self-confidence, of self-efficacy. They exude a sense that they can learn, that they’re going to learn, that they know how to learn, that they’re in control of their own learning."   Ref:  Michael Absolum: TKI Media Gallery

At our school, agentic philosophies aim to:

Agentic learning opportunities aim to help children understand through practical experience that learning is a process which involves goal setting, planning & organisation, and self evaluation within a self managing, actively engaged and persevering mindset.