
Beginning Band

Beginning band is designed for students with no or limited K-8 progression in music education. Course content includes application of fundamental techniques of music, interpretation of sound and symbol systems, exploration of global connections in music.

Intermediate Band

Intermediate band is designed for students who have had a complete K-8 progression in music education or who have achieved beginning level music standards for high school level.

Course content includes developing performance skills to the highest possible levels, playing a range of music literature, developing music reading skills, and developing a working knowledge of basic theory, markings and nomenclature. Band members are expected to perform at school and community events, and school concerts.

Proficient Band Honors

Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation and audition.

Proficient Band Honors is designed for students who have achieved intermediate level music standards for high school level. provides additional extensions of these goals and objectives as a foundation for advanced proficiencies in performance, conducting, listening, appreciation, history, analyzing, composing, the use of current technology, and research culminating in written reports.

Advanced Band Honors

Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation and audition.

This course is designed for students who have achieved a proficient level of music standards for high school level; exhibiting high level of performance skills. Course content will include band plus studies of theory, history, and composers. Students will be expected to audition for outside honor bands and/or district level band.


Beginning, Intermediate, Proficient, and Advanced

Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation and audition.

Students learn proper techniques for handling and playing handbells. Students should have some musical background with the basic ability to read music. Performance technique is stressed.

Music Theory

This course is for any student interested in learning how music works and is developed. Students learn notes, intervals, chords, rhythms, vocabulary, scales and keyboard skills as well as how to read and write music.

Music Theory Honors

Advanced learning in this course allows students to expand on foundations of music works and on expansion of music development and literacy.

AP Music Theory

Course is for music students to prepare for freshman college music theory and to expand their musical knowledge. The course deals with the techniques of written composition, ear training, form, analysis, aesthetics, and psychology of sounds; an in-depth study of harmony, melody, texture, rhythm, form, musical analysis, elementary composition, and musical history and styles, both from a written perspective as well as an aural analysis.

Beginning Vocal Music

Beginning vocal music is designed for students with no or limited K-8 progression in music education. Students learn the basic skills of correct breathing, music and rhythm reading, diction, and performance techniques.

Intermediate Vocal Music

Intermediate vocal music is designed for students who have had a complete K-8 progression in music education or who have achieved beginning level music standards for high school level. This class is made up of students who have sung in a chorus previously. Students learn more advanced choral techniques and perform more advanced choral music (Audition required).

Proficient Vocal Music Honors

Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation and audition.

Proficient vocal music honors is designed for students who have achieved intermediate level music standards for high school level.Students continue their study of advanced choral techniques. (Audition required)

Advanced Vocal Music Honors

Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation and audition.

Advanced Vocal Music Honors is designed for students who have achieved a proficient level of music standards for high school level; exhibiting high level of performance skills. This course addresses the competencies for proficient level and provides additional extensions of these goals and objectives as a foundation for advanced proficiency in performance, conducting, listening, appreciation, history, analyzing, composing, the use of current technology, and research culminating in written reports. Students are required to compose and teach original melodies. They will complete assignments in sight singing, music history, and composing. This course is designed for students who have achieved a high level of vocal performance skills.