Foreign Language

World Language skills are key to global competence, national security, career advantages and travel. World language skills also improve first language skills. World language courses focus on developing communication skills and proficiency in the language of study. This includes conversing with others, comprehending written and spoken language, and presenting to others through speaking and writing. Students compare their own culture to the culture of study.

North Carolina’s state colleges and universities entrance requirements include a minimum of two credits of world language study of the same language. Selective colleges and universities recommend four or more credits of world language study. It is best to study a world language without lapses between courses, particularly Levels I and II. Honors credit is awarded for Levels III and IV.

See North Carolina Virtual Public Schools for languages or levels available, in particular for Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Latin and Russian that may not be available at each school. Native-speakers and students who qualify to be placed in a world language course for which the student has not completed the prerequisite may request to take the final exam or placement exam. A score of 80% or above can qualify for placement purposes but does not award credit. If credit is desired for course without instruction please refer to "Credit for Demonstrated Mastery" section for information.

Spanish I

A beginning course in the study of Spanish language and culture. The student learns in Spanish I and II a strong phonetic, grammar and vocabulary base through the integration of the four basic language skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking.

Spanish II

This is a continuation of Spanish I. Students continue to refine their conversational and grammatical skills and become more knowledgeable about Spanish life-styles.

Spanish III Honors

Spanish III is designed to prepare the student to take a university placement exam. Grammatical structures, idioms and all verb tenses are studied. The focus of the class is communicative as the student increases the ability to express written and oral opinions.

Spanish IV Honors

In Spanish IV, the study of all four basic skills intensifies with an emphasis on complex grammatical structures and reading. The student will be required to read excerpts from Spanish literary works.

AP Spanish Language

This course is a college level class. It provides an in-depth study of grammar and Spanish literature designed to prepare the student for the AP College Board exam. All students are expected to take the AP examination. Colleges may award credit to a student based on the AP exam score.

English as a Second Language

This course assist students whose native language is other than English and who are identified as LEP. Content vocabulary instruction is provided to help these students be more successful in academic coursework.