Version 4.4

Post date: Jan 1, 2014 12:34:17 AM

Version 4.4.3, 08 May 2014 (rev 11 May). This release adds PDF as an export format in Figure Composer.

Version 4.4.2, 11 Apr 2014. We continue to add new features to Figure Composer and fine-tune existing ones...

Version 4.4.1, 10 Mar 2014. This release comes with a number of significant new features, including two new elements. NOTE: Since the FypML document schema must be updated to account for the new elements, figure files saved with this version cannot be opened by prior versions of FC.

Version 4.4.0, 20 January 2014. Initial release of the complete DataNav portal application (Builder, Server, and Viewer apps), plus sundry changes to Figure Composer.