The Root Figure

The Figure Properties editor displays and edits the attributes of the root figure node in any FypML figure document. This element sets the location and rectangular bounds of the figure on the printed page, an optional border and background fill, as well as the inheritable values of all text- and draw-related styles that govern the overall appearance of your figure.

The adjacent screenshot shows the layout of the editor panel. Some of the properties merit further explanation:

The three rows of widgets at the bottom of the Figure Properties editor control the font styling, text/fill color, and stroking properties of the figure node. The graphic objects in a FypML figure are organized in a top-down tree structure with the figure node at the top of the tree, and any given object in the tree will "inherit" these font and draw styles from its parent unless the style property is explicitly set to a different value. Thus, you can often change the overall look of your figure by changing a style property only on the root figure node. You will see these style property widgets -- or some variant thereof -- on all of the different node-specific property editor panels.

You can also rescale the entire figure in one operation via the pushbuttons labeled Fonts and All. First, set the Scale (%) factor to some value other than 100%; the two pushbuttons are then enabled. Press Fonts to rescale only the fonts throughout the figure; press All to rescale everything. Note that the operation is reversible -- if you're unhappy with the result, select Undo from the Edit menu and try something else.

Figure Properties