Installation & Configuration

[TODO: Might also want to add a note here about generating the self-signed certificate on the Tomcat server install.]

DataNav Server is not a standalone application, but a Java enterprise application that runs within the context of a web server and Java Servlets container. The Lisberger laboratory has elected to use the open-source Apache Tomcat as its servlets container, but this is not a guide on how to install, configure, and run Tomcat. DataNav Server should run equally well within any container that implements the Java Servlets and Server Pages technology specifications. This page provides installation and configuration guidelines for running DataNav Server within Tomcat 7.0; it is assumed that a portal administrator has the expertise to adapt these instructions for the particular web server and servlet container of his choice.

The portal base directory

We start from the assumption that you have Tomcat installed and running on a server machine. The server should have plenty of disk space, as we assume that the file system on which the portal is physically stored is the same as the file system on which Tomcat is installed and running. You need to choose a base directory for the portal on this file system. The portal's backing store is located under this base directory, along with some administrative files:





In the sample directory listing above, /usr/local/dnav_root is the portal's base directory. This directory must be accessible and read/write-able from the servlet container -- otherwise DataNav Server will not have access to it either! -- but it should NOT be within the container's own directory tree. Be sure that this directory exists before you install and run Server. When it starts for the first time, it will look for the base directory and create the necessary files and subdirectories to represent an initially "empty" portal. The subdirectory vault is the backing store for the portal's archive vault. The structure and content of this directory is detailed on the Backing Store page. The file authorized.json maintains the login names and passwords (in encrypted form) of all users authorized to administer or modify the portal. It also includes optional contact information (full name, job title, phone number and email address) for each registered user.

The archive state information file, stateinfo,json, contains portal modification information and meta-data on each archive currently mounted in the portal's archive vault. The JSON-formatted file contains a single JSON object with the following fields:

The DataNav Server WAR file

DataNav Server will eventually be available for download as a Web application archive, or WAR. A WAR file is simply a Java application archive (JAR) file with specific content and directory structure conforming to the needs of a web application that is deployed within a web server + Java servlets container like Tomcat. The sample file listing below shows the directory structure for the DataNav Server web application:








The top-level directory in the WAR is the web application's document root. All static web content and client-side resources associated with the application -- HTML files, Javascript files, image files, and the like -- are stored in this directory or a subdirectory thereof. When the application is deployed and running in the Tomcat container, these web resources will be accessible by entering their URL. In fact, the general public can explore an online DataNav portal by pointing a web browser to the "entry point" page for the DataNav Viewer web client: portalhome.html. Suppose Tomcat is configured to accept HTTP requests on port 8118 (the standard HTTP port is usually 80) and is running on a server with web address, and that Server has been deployed within this Tomcat container under the application root dnportal. Then, to browse the online portal managed by this installation, you would enter this URL in a web browser's address bar: As it loads this page, the web browser will automatically retrieve and execute the various Javascript files that implement the DataNav Viewer client; the Javascript code will render the web page initially and update it in place as the user interacts with it. All Javascript files and a supporting icon sprites image file are located in the assets subdirectory.

All server-side resources of the DataNav portal -- i.e., DataNav Server -- are stored in the WEB-INF subdirectory. Even though this directory is under the web application's document root, it cannot be accessed from a web browser; it is essentially hidden by the web container. As indicated in the directory listing above, the Java class files and supporting libraries that implement the DataNav Server application are located here, as well as the application's deployment descriptor, web.xml. This XML file contains configuration information for the application's two servlets  -- the builder servlet mediating authenticated read-write access to the portal over HTTPS, and the viewer servlet controlling read-only anonymous client access over HTTP. It also sets the full file system path for the portal's base directory in a context parameter called portalRoot. Here's an excerpt from web.xml showing how the base directory is specified:






We recommend that you use /usr/local/dnav_root for your portal's base directory. If you do so, then you should be able to deploy the DataNav Server WAR file without modification. If not, you will need to unpackage the WAR file, edit the portalRoot parameter in web.xml accordingly, then repackage the WAR. Do not change anything else in web.xml -- unless you have to provide additional information for your chosen servlet container. In that case, be sure not to alter the configuration parameters for the two servlet classes.

To install DataNav Server, simply download the WAR file (once it becomes available) and use Tomcat's manager application to deploy and start it. The WAR file is called dnportal.war -- so the application root name (part of the URL) will be dnportal. Should a problem occur that disables the portal, use the manager app to stop the application. You can then examine the backing files under the portal base directory and hopefully fix the issue, then use the manager app once again to restart the portal.

A note about file permissions

In the Lisberger laboratory, we have configured the Tomcat server process to run under the owner and group ID "tomcat". This "user" is given read-write-create permissions on the file system tree under the portal base directory. Thus, since DataNav Server runs within the Tomcat container, all the files it creates and modifies will get the same owner and group IDs and the same file permissions. If you need to shutdown DataNav Server and manipulate any files in the portal's backing store in order to recover from a previous catastrophic failure, be sure to login as this Tomcat "user" so that you have the same file permissions.