
DataNav is a Java™- and web-based application suite, developed in the Lisberger laboratory, that:

This suite of applications is a work in progress. Part of a development effort begun in May 2003, its ultimate goal is to provide the means by which our laboratory can share its data with the outside world over the Internet. Initially we focused on developing a Java application that addressed the first task -- creating scientific figures. The end product was the Java application Figure Composer, a complete redesign and extension of Steve Lisberger's original UNIX-based program called Phyplot. The Java version came with an easy-to-use graphical user interface, including a canvas on which the figure is updated on the fly as the user makes changes. It also offered some features not available in the original program and ran on today's most popular workstations, including Windows and Mac OS X platforms. The program is used in the Lisberger laboratory and in some other neuroscience research labs; it has gone through numerous revisions over the years.

A Note to Figure Composer Users

Figure Composer was just a first step in the development of the DataNav portal application suite, and we originally planned to discontinue it and integrate its functionality into DataNav Builder, introduced in early 2013.

However, a number of individuals have found Figure Composer a very useful tool in its own right and preferred not to switch to the larger, more comprehensive Builder app. Therefore, we have decided to continue to maintain and develop Figure Composer as a standalone application, apart from the DataNav application suite.

Those interested only in Figure Composer can skip the remainder of this introduction and focus on the following sections of this online guide: "Figure Composer" offers a detailed introduction to the program and its user interface; "FypML" is a somewhat technical specification of the XML markup dialect used to define a scientific figure; "Loading Data" discusses how to get data into your figures; and "Download Files" is the place to go to get the latest version of the program.

With Figure Composer relatively mature and in active use, development work is now focused on the design of a scientific data portal and the tools needed to store portal content, allow authors to create, modify and review that content, and allow the outside world to browse that content over the web. In its latest incarnation, the portal is a collection of self-contained archives that come in one of two flavors:

A data hub is a far more complex entity than a figure archive, and the most important and complex element in the hub's conceptual design is the navigation view. Authors "push" data into a hub through its views, while readers explore that data using those same views. Each view includes a figure template, which is simply a Figure Composer figure that defines how the data is visually presented to the reader. The view's instance configuration determines how data sets in the hub's repository are mapped to the template's placeholder sets, and a particular instance of the view is realized by locating the hub data sets belonging to that instance and "injecting" them into the template for the relevant placeholders.

The DataNav portal is a distributed, enterprise-level application with three major components, one on the server side and two on the client. All communications between the server and client components are over the Internet.

Explore the other sections of this user's guide for more information about the DataNav portal construct, its figure and data models, and all of the components of DataNav's application suite.


As with most full-featured Java applications, the DataNav application suite relies heavily upon many APIs from Oracle's Java Development Kit. Currently, it is code-compatible with Java 6, but will run on the latest version of the Java runtime environment; future releases may take advantage of new features available in more recent versions of Java. In addition, it makes use of a number of open-source software packages. Without these third-party packages, DataNav would have been a much more difficult endeavor.