Figure Canvas

The Figure Canvas fills the right-hand side of the main content panel in Figure Composer's frame window. The canvas provides a WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") rendering of the currently selected figure. It is updated each time the user makes any change to an object within the figure. Under the hood, all content rendering takes place on a working buffer in a background thread. This is important because it could take several seconds or more to draw a complex figure with large data sets. When a rendering is completed, the working buffer is copied to the canvas window.

The canvas offers a number of useful interactive features:

Hiding the selection highlight

You can temporarily hide the selection highlight by hitting the ESCape key -- so long as the keyboard focus is on the Figure Navigator (the Figure Canvas itself never holds the keyboard focus; think of it as part of the Navigator). The highlight will reappear as soon as you click on a graphic object in the canvas, or in the navigator's node tree.