Download Instructions for Prior Versions

Versions Prior to 4.1

Memory usage concerns. With the introduction of the matrix-like heatmap data, it is rather easy to tax the default maximum heap size of 64MB allocated to the Java virtual machine (JVM). In recent testing, we got the dreaded "OutOfMemoryException" when trying to load the dataset for a 1000x1000 heatmap. The recommended workaround is to increase the JVM's maximum heap size to 1024MB. That is the reason why the JVM option "-Xmx1024m" is included in the commands that start FigureComposer and PortalBuilder.

Versions 4.1 - 4.2.3

For Version 4.1-4.2, the three primary application components -- Figure Composer, Portal Builder (now called DataNav Builder) and the DataNav Matlab support package -- were distributed in a single ZIP archive for each target OS.