General Information

Daily Schedule for Students

My Schedule and Contact Information

I will be available for conferences every day from 8:15 to 9:05 in the morning. Feel free to email me at if you would like to meet for any reason.

Journal Information

Your scientists will be creating interactive notebooks in my class this year. This means that they will be drawing, writing, and creating foldables almost everyday, as they build their own personal "textbook". For the fall semester I will provide them with a journal. However, I would like them to provide their own composition notebooks in the spring if their first one has been used up.

The expectations I have for their science journal rely on their participation and effort. For instance, we will have a table of contents, which I will assist them in filling out every day. Each entry should have a title, page number, and date, and should be filled out completely to the best of their ability. Below, I have attached copies of handouts that will be put into their journals during the first week of school.