
Post date: Aug 30, 2015 9:15:31 PM

Like last week, there will only be one homework assignment this week. It will be handed out on Wednesday, and will be due on Thursday. The grading for the homework is as follows:

100 award for completed homework turned in on Thursday

90 awarded for partially incomplete homework turned in on Thursday

70 awarded for homework turned in after Thursday

50 awarded for homework that is not turned in

The homework will consist of many tools. I need for your student to cut out each pictures ( around the box please) and put their name on the back of each piece. Next, have them quiz themselves on the tools. Encourage them to practice with a sibling or with you as well! I will also provide them with an envelope. Place all pieces into the envelope, have them put their name on the front, and bring it back the next day. We will be gluing the envelope into our journals. It is not necessary to tightly seal the envelope- instead please secure with a small piece of tape or a paperclip.

I have attached a copy of the homework here.